I used to blog before but apparently, I forgotten my link and password (yes LOL)
I think that it should be the perfect time now to resume my blogs because:
- it's the first month of February (sounds like a good date to start)
- I love typing and talking (so most of my secrets will be out here)
- I'm just bored (obviously)
To begin, one of my resolutions this year was to not use the word 'fuck' and also to flip my middle finger for the whole January; and it seemed to be completed now! Small (actually, huge) thanks to the people around me for not making me pissed off so much: Wai Kien, Chong Kheng, Vey Xhiang, Clarissa, Vin Yee ... to name the few that made me calm for the whole 31 days haha :D
So for today's post it wouldn't meant much as it's 1.40AM and I have no idea what should be written so ...
That's all folks :D